Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What is Angle of Inclination??? Oh C'mon!

Currently Listening to: Hit 94.7
Initium Sapientiae- Beginning of Wisdom
It's Tuesday...a happy day, first because our dismissal time from school is 5pm and I will go to church again to held the tuesday panata. It such a good thing that we held panata every tuesday...it really helps.
So, what's about that angle of inclination? and that Oh C'mon thing? Well will having Analytic Geom, we have a surprised graded recitation....and come on, looks like I am the only one who has the hardest and not prepared question...what is angle of inclination? Some of my classmates have those computations, and I am reciting orally what is angle of inclination. I know that we have discussed this thing, but I didn't expect that it would be the question that would be asked for me...Unfortunately, although I'm too stupid not to answer the question at least I still have the chance to be able to answer. Now...it's computing not definingthe Angle of Inclination... and I got it.hahaha
I have a stomach ache in Physics...I just don't know, my ulcer attacked again...due to over-eating haha...well I have to watch out on everything I'm eating.

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