Last night at around 12:30 in the midnight I finished reading "The Last Sin Eater" by Francine Rivers. It's a very good novel, so good that you don't want to let go of the book even though my eyes really wanna close--i'm so sleepy. But I think, hey kim! there's only one more chapter to go and the emotion that I have felt through the novel will be gone the next morning so i decided to finished reading it.

The Last Sin Eater is a compelling and somewhat a kind of mysterious novel, I bought this novel at the "Dulos" you know, the boat at South Harbor where they travel around the world to have a booksale price of books. It's kinda cool. I bought this book way back third year but it is only until now that I finished reading it. haha.. Along with "The Last Sin Eater", I bought "Lark". Actually, the reason I really hastened my reading of The Sin Eater was because I really want to start reading "Lark", I read at the back cover that it is a good romance from the reviews. So right now, I am just at the beginning of the story and it seems quite good. After this Lark book, I will finish reading "The Time Traveller's Wife". You know, it's quite funny because I really don't want this novel, I find it boring and simply erratic on the way the story flows. Anyways, I am not fond of leaving a book unfinished. It's like leaving a life cruelly without putting an end to it. So even though I don't want reading it, i will force myself to.
This may sound stupid and hilarious, but I miss school. Really. Honestly. Not that I want to know my grades in the last periodic test because my grade really suck in Physics!-o God the glory of Physics! and Math- *Cross-fingers* I hope mam will still have considerations!. It's not like that. It's just so boring here at home, nothing to do but to stare in front of the computer, writing this blog that is full of nonsense because I cannot think anymore of a topic to write because nothing happens in my life, watching boring tv shows but thank God there is Grey's anatomy to feed my satisfaction, sleeping? That's a good thing though, I am pleading for more sleeps so there it goes, God has give plenty of time to sleep and I am at least very thankful for it. Reading good books? That another good thing though, finishing to read The Last Sin Eater, makes my faith really stronger and now reading "The Lark"--I hope to be in love. haha
It's a grand vacation you know? From Wednesday up until monday, we will have no classes. Yipee! But I just said I want to go to school, but still a Yipee! because there is no classes. Uhmm....
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