Monday, October 13, 2008

From Blogger to Wordpress to Blogger Again!

I know this sounds crappy but I am once again back at blogger!
For those who didn't know, I moved to Wordpress for like only 2 days, comparing the user-friendly capability of both blog host service. Within that 2 days of posting some updates on wordpress, I just can't seem to have satisfaction. One thing I don't like in Wordpress is that you cannot edit the css of the template you want to use, so meaning to say you will not be able to personalize your blog, which I think is very unjustifiable because having a blog reflects your personality and will serve as your creative outlet in the net. Second, a blogger cannot put any shoutbox or tagboard in Wordpress will is quite disappointing for me. I have searched the net and found out that the reason why Wordpress don't allow such plug-ins is to avoid spam or complexity in the blog. For me, who got very used in having a shoutbox and Lota is asking for one! So, I really think it's a necessity.
On the other hand, Wordpress does offer some very attractive plug-ins that Blogger does not have and that's one of the fact why I am urged to try Wordpress. There's their category section which is very useful in organizing and the static pages, which Blogger does not have.

I asked the good-old internet, which is better Blogger or Wordpress?
Click for detailed information: BLOGGER vs. WORDPRESS

So the big question is, why I switched to BLOGGER AGAIN?
  • I need some personal space on the net. Blogger templates can be costumize and there's a shoutbox! Yeah!
  • Blogger is more user-friendly than Wordpress.
  • I can put many blog stuffs in here, like for example the Punkymood icon and the Shelfari widget board which Wordpress cannot support.

Some insights I get from Blogger Lovers:
"I like and strongly recommend it if you're the type who does not want to tinker with the HTML/CSS templates directly (although Blogger allows you to do that too).

The current version is now much friendlier to non-techies because the settings pages are friendly and allow you to select and customize templates without altering a bit of code.

Their recent integration with Feedburner for tracking RSS subscriptions to your blog is also a plus, IMHO.

Blogger also supports mobile blogging."

"I did some research when I started a little over a year ago. I chose Blogger for my host service and have been very satisfied ever since. It is free and easy to use. Originally it was a small company (three guys having fun) but it's now a part of Google. To start you need a Google account, but that's easy if you don’t already have one. The next step is to use the Blogger wizard to set up your blog.

Here are my top 10 reasons for selecting Blogger as a hosting service:

1. It's easy to set up even with limited web experience.
2. It has a step-by-step wizard.
3. You can modify your blog easily using templates.
4. If you are programming savvy you can customize your blog.
5. They have a good online Help Center.
6. They also have a Help Group (Forum) for sharing.
7. They make improvements based on user input.
8. There are many sites with Blogger tips and tricks.
9. There are lots of other "Bloggers" with sites to visit to get ideas.
10. My blog posts get a high priority in Google searches. This is a huge plus in getting people to come to my site.

I have a one page blog on MySpace, but I use it to encourage people to come to my blog at Blogspot. If you want to see my site you can go to It is a combination of an weblog and how-to site. The free link that they offer with Picasa for blog photo storage is also a great service. I have been posting lots of photos for over a year and still have 75% of my free space left. -- Margy"

And one more thing, I think BLOGGER is for people out there who just want to have a personal space on the net, where you will have the power to customize your outlet. While WORDPRESS, I think offers professional bloggers a much easier way to organize and get things done. But it all depends on what you really need. As for me, Blogger suits my taste than Wordpress. To settle down everything, just try both bloghosting services and be the judge.

Goodluck! Tata!

P.S. But for me, i will always be a true blue blogger!

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