At last! I finally have the chance to use the internet, our DSL is malfunctioning. It's that when I always click the internet explorer icon in our deskstop, the DSL always logs out...stupid...I really hate it. But finally, it's working okay and I hope that it will not irritate me no more. Well, nothing much happened to me these past few days, only indulging myself watching tv and surfing the net, but of course, reviewing for UP, I also practice for the torturing piano piece recital this June, entitled "Sonata Pathetique" (First Movement) and I tell you it's a 13 page piano piece.
I just called Joselle yesterday, checking if she was at home because she went to UP Baguio to took her certificate of transfer so she can study at UPM, and I was quite shock when she says that they were packing their things...again. I thought, she will be study permanently in Baguio, but to my shock they will transfer in other locale, together with her family. The friendship that we've shared together, the laughs, the cries and stupid things that we've done...I will really miss them all. I can still remember, how we've met but I can't remember how we've been so close. Maybe God sent her to me, so I can't learn from her. You know, I'm such an undefined person, hard to make decisions and has a complexity of mind, so my friends hardly understands me. I'm an alien, who has been trapped in this imperfect world

The reason why I am irritated is that because, there's this person, whom I don't know, that person is so I can say not concern in the feelings of other people, that person is somewhat selfish and conceited. God! I hate it when that person is like that, it's just make me wanna say things to that person if I will not be able to control my irritation anymore! Grr...This post is full of misery, lonliness and hatred words....I hate this post! Grrr....Hope that person will change its so irritating and nerve-wracking attitude, hope that that person will realize that he/she is not the only person living in this world and their are full of species that deserve to be peaceful...grrrr...I am so pissed out now!GOd I hate this feeling...

Anyways, stop all the drama and I will show images of encouragement, the 13page Sonata Pathetique and the unrelenting picture of us with Josh...I will miss you!

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