Currently Listening: Keep Holding On- Avril Lavigne
At last, after the long, sleepless nights of no blogging in my life, I've finally touched the keyboards of the computer and jolt down the things that happen in my 4- day vacation in Bagiuo. We, left our house at around 4:30 am and arrived at Baguio at around 2:00 pm, so mathematically speaking, we traveled at 9 hrs and 30 minutes... I have Mary Joy to accompany me at our vacation, Elaine wasn't able to go with us, but that's ok. Literally, we slept during our trip.
Actually, going to Bagiuo is not what I'm looking forward every vacation, I want to go to places that are not too crowded. If not only for our house in Bagiuo, maybe we will go there every vacation, but at least I am still fortunate because I am able to visit such places. I think, I've been to Bagiuo for almost 5 or 7 times that I will enumerate to you, the places that most visitors visits....haha..
1. Burnham Park
2. Mines View Park
3. Camp John Hay
4. PMA
5. Riding Park (the horse??)
6. Good Shepherd (to buy foods)
7. SM BAGIUO (kung saan naglipana ang mga gwapong lalaki!!!haha!)
Well, this visit of to Bagiuo was a bit special because it's the first time in our my family's life that we visit Mines View Park without raining so hard. Achievement! and it's our first time that I join my classmate at this trip.
At Sm Baguio, you can see that we are being invaded by Koreans, koreans here, there and everywhere. There's this korean man (not that old) who smiled at my mother!!! Can you believe it??? Well, my mother looks like a bit Korean..haha...Well, looks like at SM Bagiuo is the meeting place of all the cute guys I've seen..haha...That's why I like Baguio...wahaha..
Well, staying at Baguio is not only for boy-hunting...but only to reminisce my past life...did I do great? Or I just let time slipped away without any accomplishments? It's also a time for unwinding and digging memories from the past. I will be an incoming senior at Masci and it seems that my mind is not matured enough for me to fill the expectations that I need to meet. I think, I am not good in time management and handling serious responsibilities and I think that I am too sensitive. I need to improve myself! Well, that's what I thought...
Here are some pics...

First Picture

The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

Are we not like two volumes of one book?

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.

The Amen! of Nature is always a flower.

Our task must be to free ourselves . . . by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
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