Cerebral Palsy is a persistent disorder caused by an abnormality in the brain. It can occur before the time of birth which is the major cause. It can likewise be due during the time that the baby is in the mother's womb, when the brain doesn't develop normally or an infection or trauma has occurred while the child is developing in the womb. Minor causes are problems during the time of delivering the baby which is very unusual and uncommon. Those who suffer from this disorder are children born prematurely and the fact is that, 40% of children with cerebral palsy are born prematurely. Signs and symptoms of CP are problems in movement, slurry speeches, spinal curvature, learning disabilities, etc. The cerebellum is the part of the brain that controls most of our main movement and it is the part of the brain that was being attacked by Cerebral Palsy.
So, I was doing some research. I stumble upon this video from youtube. Her name is Rachel Esdaille and has cerebral palsy. But it doesn't end on that, she is an English major, a writer and has already published her novel entitled: "Pictures of Silver". This girl is just amazing. I actually had tears while watching this video. Try to watch it:
"We all have GREATNESS in us". That's just bring me to tears.
Our brain is one of a hell of work of art. Its a piece of round, jelly like, greenish substance inside our head yet its power and greatness is beyond compare. I love how beautiful our brains our that it can thrust us into different directions and unmeasurable capabilities. Truly, God is a genius.