I'm back once again! At least, I'll be having some decent post until 2009 ends. Whew! Can't believe this year gone by so fast. I'll sure be missing 09, after all this year brought me tremendous changes in my life that I would surely treasure forever.
But before that, my photo above is just crap. Its just a whimsical and freakish way to say hello and I hope I scared you! Boo! Hahaha. Oh well, I have been tired carrying my long hair and I've finally decided to cut it short, though not too short because it will just emphasize my fugly face, so I just keep it not too short. Actually, that photo above has a function why I've put it in there, its the "before-after" dramatic effect and all that--- CHANGE.
Darwin once said that "Species that survive the most are only those that are adapted to change" and quite frankly Darwin has point in there. Rarely do the habitat change for the species to adapt, usually its the opposite of it. I have been in a carousel ride for almost I can remember. I have been in my highest ups and my lowest downs (redundant, I know! intended for exaggeration), I have experienced being suicidal, like slitting the wrist or the emo-type things, or hanging my head somewhere or even jumping off the cliff or just wishing that the world will just torn to pieces! (believe it or not) and I have experienced the highest forms of joy (though not through alcohol, sex or drugs) and fortunately those experiences honed me to be a person who does not see the world superficially. Though there are times that I am still too childish, spoiled, brat and such a bitch sometimes. hahaha.
I've learned, actually just right now, that I can't push myself onto people. If they don't like me, then fine, I'm very fine with that. To hell with them! hahaha. Anyway, I CAN'T expect for all the people to like me. As long as I'm doing the right thing, in His eyes, there's nothing more I can do about it.
Though I really, deeply, hugely want to be all the things that I'm not, I just don't have it all. I just CAN'T have it all and I greatly understand that. Even though I have been working my ass off for something and still can't have it, I still can understand that. I've cried and be hurt and I can understand that. It's hard to accept all the facts but there's nothing I can do. Right?
I am thinking of deleting my Twitter account or if not deleting it, just leave it there. I have noticed that many people today are communicating through texts, emails, chats, twitter, facebook, fs or any social-networking things (writing on blogs is an exception, its a totally different thing...:p) which really messes things up--- misinterpretation, etc. And I have been really spilling out some things and I am even saying STUPID things on it. Even the senseless and useless moves, I am thinking that I will TWITTER this! and all that and that really sucks.
Nevertheless, I've enjoyed twitting.
Before I forgot, there are so many things that I have to be thankful to God on this year and here are some of the gazillion blessings:
1. My sister Ken. I've never been happier in my life and I've never experienced being a super ate until my baby sis came. She has been a devilish angel to us. I LOVE HER!!! Though there are tough times, I'm still thankful that she came. I love you Ken.
2. My still unwavering FAITH on Him. This had been a big highlight on my 09! Faith is the only thing I needed the most during the darkest days of my life. I super love God for His greatness and His kindness. It's unparalleled and incomparable like no other, THANK YOU!
3. My academic achievements. In relation to no.2 I never thought that I would still make it to the DL amidst the torturing Chem and some personal problems. FAITH saved me and HE saved me. I am still out-poured with endless gratitude to YOU!
4. My family and friends. Simply because they are there to give their unrelenting support to me. Though sometimes, there are misunderstandings, that's all right. hahaha. You know that I know, that I'm such a pain in the ass. :)
5. And I'm thankful for 2009. Everything that happened on it and I'll not categorize it whether good or bad. I know that God had every reason why did it happen and I'm thankful.
As you may have probably noticed, I have not listed my New Year's Resolution because as much as possible I'm avoiding promising things that ended up such a blast. As much as I want to, I just can't fulfill all the things that I'm promising so better let it be.
All I wish that in this new year, love will still prosper and peace will still prevail. Hoping for a better world!
P.S. There will be a Blue Moon today! :)
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