Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Learning to Love C. Linneaus

Before anything else, I want to congratulate Mr. Barrack Obama for making a history! Please... Be a good leader. :D

I just had my 2 majors today! Bio Lab and Bio Lec. The worst of it is that they are in the same day.
So, wish me luck during exams. Oh well, the gap between those two beloved subjects of mine are like distant mountains: 4 hours break! My oh my! My attempt in updating a post at school did not offered me even the slightest chance due to computer patch there. But I will really try to sneak some time.

My Biology this semester is ALL about the gruesome, compelling, nose-bleeding, morbid and terrifying TAXONOMY/SYSTEMATICS/BIODIVERSITY, whatever they maybe. Carolus Linneaus is sure a genius for constructing such branch of Biology, he is so genius that he made to think a way to make bio-students' lives harder and tougher each day. My prof in Biolec in the previous sem already warned us that Taxonomy is not at all a piece of a cake subject, sure it's sounds so boring, naming all the "unknown" species there is in this world, but sure I need to maintain my grade so as to not disappoint my parents and surely to not disappoint myself. My dad have been urging me to become a doctor since yesterday, don't know what came up to him. It's like being a doctor will only take a few snaps and voila! Oh well, a father's dream for his daughter....

I'm not really sure about this sem, I will have 5 units of Comm. Arts and a Gen Psychology subject, whew!

Oh well, I just want to share my latest blabberings about my life. I will really try my best to post updates as possibly as I can, but I am not promising anything.

So, goodluck!


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