---Oscar Wilde
Right now, I could see gradually why things are happening the way they are. I can see but not so clear that everything that happens to me, there is a "divine reason" for it. Struggling is such a task for me these days. I tried to struggle and I am still struggling very hard. I am now at the point where God will soon judge me as a person and as a servant to Him and me want to be right, just and deserving in receiving His blessings.
I am still struggling to find the right ANSWERS to my unseeingly endless QUESTIONS. I am still struggling to find the truth and the wonder behind these trials. I now I will find it soon and I know that the moment I found it, everything will change and REGRETS will turn to SATISFACTION.SADNESS will be replaced by GLADNESS and DOUBTS will be forever be replaced by HOPE, FAITH and LOVE.
I must change everything. Change is a BIG step to learn new things and to improve everything that surrounds you. Change can HURT people, it also can LOVE people. Change is CONSTANT and no matter how things go, it always CHANGES.
I am now living in a world that is full of FILTHINESS and RUDENESS. Where SELFISHNESS and PRIDE reigns, and where PREJUDICE, DISCRIMINATION, GREED FOR HONOR AND MONEY resides. Where LOVE seems to be a stranger and FEAR seems to be a disease that is so INFECTIOUS. COLDNESS of the heart is everywhere and INCONSIDERATE acts are in all of us. It’s hard to live in this kind of place. It draws and attracts everything that is in you. It influences your acts,your attitude and your RELATIONSHIP with GOD. It is so DEADLY and FATAL that you don't want to imagine what will it may bring to your life.

POVERTY still cannot be eradicate. STARVATION, especially in AFRICA. MALNUTRITION of many children. CORRUPTION is now a legal act. It's really tiring and frustrating how the world turned out.

The environment also gradually DETORIATES, ENDANGERED species increased, KILLINGS of POOR marine ANIMALS and most of all the controversial GLOBAL WARMING, that we can really feel it's effects, in the weather and in the food that we eat.

It can all be change, if we will start within ourselves. Many people commit sins, think bad things because we THOUGHT that everythings seems to be out of order,
we THOUGHT that God leaves us already but HE did not leave us. HE wants us to return to HIM. Because PEOPLE have become MATERIALISTIC, SUPERFICIAL and embedded with PRIDE. The ROOT in everything that is happening now is "SIN". Sin departs us from God and without Jesus, God would still be angry to us. But so many people still are not willing to come back to God, so things happen. God is giving us a CHANCE, a CHANCE to CHANGE and a CHANCE to SURRENDER to HIM FULLY. All the bad things we are encountering in our lives, it is either a TRIAL or a CURSE and you can easily distinguished those two words.
Though right now, I think that life on earth will still get WORSE. We can still CHANGE because there's still a CHANCE. GOD is KINDER than you THINK. GOD LOVES US.